Teatro Real Roadshow 2019

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25 May 2019

Madrid / Spain


This year's Teatro Real's Roadshow was celebrated the day of the general rehearsal of the opera Capriccio by Strauss.

During this special evening, the young members of the Friends of Teatro Real were invited to attend a presentation by Marisa Vázquez-Shelly about the vision and mission of the Fedora Platform.

After an 8 year absence of Richard Strauss, the new co-production of Capriccio is also the premiere at the Teatro Real of the Bavarian composer’s last opera. The staging is by celebrated Christof Loy and the musical direction is by an expert in Strauss, Asher Fisch. Capriccio is Strauss’s answer to the question which has pursued opera as an art form since its very beginning: Which is of more importance? Music or text? Coming from a composer of such harrowing tragedies as Salomé or Elektra, it is astonishing to discover an exquisite comedy which synthesizes his musical language in an exercise of brilliant harmonies and textures.

Discover more about this new co-production on Teatro Real's website.

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